(LAT) Gunta Jēkabsone, executive director of fuel retail company Circle-K, has been elected as the Chairperson of Foreign Investors’ Council (FICIL) in Latvia Board. She replaces Julia Sundberg, the previous […]
Changes in FICIL FICIL is continuing to grow and growth requires more space. This is why, over the summer FICIL moved into a new office that will accommodate bigger work […]
Klaudio Rivera Ārvalstu investoru padomes Latvijā Izglītības darba grupas vadītājs Publicēts 20.08.2019 00:04 ziņu portālā Delfi www.delfi.lv. Raksts pieejams šeit. Latvijas augstskolas atrodas svarīgas izšķiršanās priekšā. Ja Latvija vēlas kļūt par […]
Dear FICIL Members, Many thanks to everyone for attending the FICIL members meeting held on 9 September 2019! It was a real pleasure to see so many of you present. A special thank […]
We have proclaimed it far and wide that 2019 marks 20 years since FICIL’s establishment. With this in mind, please mark your calendars – we are celebrating our 20th anniversary […]
The sudden replacement of Latvenergo supervisory council undermines the foreign investors confidence that the state-owned companies are governed in a professional manner, according to OECD and other standards of best […]
May has been a very active month for FICIL! Let us start by thanking everyone who contributed towards the success of FICIL High Council 2019!  Work group leaders and members […]
31.05.2019 Valsts kanceleja (ENG) Piektdien, 31. maijā Latvijas Ministru kabineta un Ārvalstu investoru padomes Latvijā (FICIL) augsta līmeņa sanāksmes laikā valdība un investori vienojās par svarīgākajām prioritātēm, kas jāīsteno, lai […]
31.05.2019 by State Chancellery (LAT) On Friday 31 May, during the High Council meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia  and the Foreign Investors’ Council (FICIL), the government and […]