LAT Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) commends open discussions about the necessary changes in higher education institutions (HEI) in Latvia, organised by the Ministry of Education and Science and […]
ENG Ārvalstu investoru padome Latvijā (FICIL) atzinīgi vērtē Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas un Valsts prezidenta kancelejas rīkotās atklātās diskusijas par nepieciešamajām pārmaiņām augstākās izglītības iestādēs Latvijā. Ir pienācis laiks pieņemt […]
FICIL has been in a festive spirit for a while now, with a lot to celebrate and with a lot of work still ahead of us. Its been a busy […]
[ENG] 19. decembrī FICIL Investīciju aizsardzības un tiesu sistēmas efektivitātes darba grupa Rīgas pilī tikās ar Valsts prezidenta padomnieku tiesību jautājumos Jāni Plepu un padomnieci ekonomikas politikas jautājumos Alisi Pīku, […]
[LAT] On December 19, FICIL Investment Protection and Court Efficiency work group met with Legal Policy Adviser to the President of Latvia Mr. Jānis Pleps and Economic Policy Adviser Ms. […]
On December 12, the Executive Board of FICIL met with the President of Latvia Mr. Egils Levits in Riga Castle to discuss various concerns regarding the investment climate in Latvia, such as availability and […]
For the fifth consecutive year, FICIL will present the foreign investors’ assessment of the business environment in Latvia, taking a closer look at developments regarding tax system, access to labour […]
Dear FICIL members, During the coldest time of the year, FICIL kindly invites you for a warm holiday Members’ Meeting on 10 December at 16:00, hosted by our member Aldaris at Beer […]
With the dynamic fall season in full swing, FICIL has been busy delving into issues the investors face in Latvia’s business environment, as well as developing recommendations for improving the […]