On June 2nd, President of Latvia Mr. Egils Levits hosted a video conference with representatives of the FICIL Executive Board to discuss the investors view on sustainable economic recovery process […]
[ENG] Rīgā, 2020. gada 29. maijā 29. maijā norisinājās Ārvalstu investoru padomes Latvijā (FICIL) un Amerikas Tirdzniecības palātas Latvijā (ATPL) rīkotā tiešsaistes diskusija starp investoriem, ekspertiem un Ministru prezidentu Krišjāni […]
[LAT] May 29, 2020 On May 29, a live discussion took place among investors, experts and Prime Minister of Latvia, hosted by Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) and the […]
On May 29, the American Chamber of Commerce in Latvia (AmCham) and Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) will organise a live discussion wih Krišjānis Kariņš, Prime Minister of Latvia […]
14/05/2020 [LAT] Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) highly appreciates the work of healthcare professionals during this greatly demanding and challenging situation. Due to the integral work of medical and […]
14.05.2020 [ENG] Ārvalstu investoru padome Latvijā (FICIL) augstu vērtē veselības aprūpes speciālistu darbu šajā ļoti prasīgajā un izaicinošajā situācijā. Pateicoties mediķu un pārējā veselības aprūpes nozares personāla neatņemamajam darbam, kā […]
[ENG] 30.04.2020 Atsaucoties uz pagājušās nedēļas 21. aprīļa Saeimas Juridiskās komisijas sēdes lēmumu par Ekonomisko lietu tiesas jautājuma virzības apturēšanu pirms trešā lasījuma Saeimā, Ārvalstu investoru padome Latvijā (FICIL) un […]
[LAT] 30/04/2020 Referring to the decision of the Saeima’s Judicial committee meeting of April 21 last week to suspend the Economic Affairs Court before the third reading in Saeima, the […]
FICIL is closely following the development of the situation regarding the impact of Covid-19 while maintaining an active dialogue with relevant state institutions to regularly provide recommendations for aiding the […]