Oficiāla preses relīze publicēta Tieslietu ministrijas mājaslapā un pieejama šeit. Ceturtdien, 16. februārī, tieslietu ministre Inese Lībiņa-Egnere tikās ar Ārvalstu investoru padomes Latvijā (FICIL) pārstāvjiem, lai pārrunātu sadarbības iespējas, uzsverot labas […]
Parcel logistics company Omniva has become a member of the Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL). “Omniva has been growing rapidly in Latvia over the last several years, and we […]
On 14th of December, FICIL Investment Protection work group continued its annual tradition and met with the Advisers to the President of Latvia in Riga Castle. Work group members met […]
Renewable energy development company Eolus Vind has joined the Foreign investors Council in Latvia. “Eolus has been active in Latvia for many years, and right now has several large projects […]
Foreign investors Council in Latvia (FICIL) and the Finance Latvia Association (FLA) have sent a letter to the political forces forming the coalition asking to identify one responsible institution/entity, which […]
Ārvalstu investoru padome Latvijā (FICIL) un Latvijas Finanšu nozares asociācija (FNA) nosūtījusi vēstuli koalīciju veidojošiem politiskajiem spēkiem ar aicinājumu noteikt vienu atbildīgo iestādi, kas visaptveroši risinās klimata un enerģētikas jautājumus, […]
Līga Abramoviča has been elected to the Executive Board of the Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL). Ms. Abramoviča is a newcomer to the FICIL Executive Board and she will […]
Vēršot uzmanību uz Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstībai un ārvalstu investīciju piesaistei un noturēšanai kritiski svarīgiem jautājumiem, šī gada 12. septembrī Rīgā norisinājās priekšvēlēšanu debates ar vadošo politisko partiju premjera amata kandidātiem […]
Friday, 9 September, the representatives of the government and ministries met with representatives of the Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) at the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia and agreed […]