Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) is pleased to welcome EWE Neue Energien as its newest member. As a company dedicated to advancing renewable energy solutions, EWE Neue Energien brings […]
On 27th February, Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) marked its 25th anniversary with a grand celebration, bringing together government representatives, ambassadors, partners, and FICIL members. The event was a […]
A quarter-century ago, Latvia faced a defining moment—transitioning from a post-Soviet economy to a modern, market-driven system. The need for structural reforms was urgent, with complex regulations, governance inconsistencies, and […]
At FICIL, we are deeply committed to advancing green transition in Latvia. In our view, it is more than just an environmental necessity, but a broad field with significant economic […]
For 25 years, the Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) has been championing the labour force policy, as a cornerstone of the nation’s economic development. Workforce availability is not statistic […]
At the Foreign Investors Council in Latvia (FICIL), we have long been at the forefront of shaping Latvia’s economic landscape, particularly through our continuous efforts to safeguard investments. Since our […]
For the past 25 years, the Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) has been dedicated to improving Latvia’s business environment and investment climate. Since our establishment in 1999, we have […]
850 million euros is the minimum amount that must be saved in the public sector expenditures when preparing the next year’s budget, the development of which will commence in March. […]
850 miljoni eiro ir minimālā summa, kādu jāspēj ietaupīt publiskā sektora izdevumos, veidojot nākamā gada budžetu, pie kura izstrādes darbu uzsāks jau martā. Lai nonāktu pie šāda rezultāta, četras uzņēmēju […]