For the past 25 years, the Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) has been dedicated to improving Latvia’s business environment and investment climate. Since our establishment in 1999, we have […]
850 million euros is the minimum amount that must be saved in the public sector expenditures when preparing the next year’s budget, the development of which will commence in March. […]
850 miljoni eiro ir minimālā summa, kādu jāspēj ietaupīt publiskā sektora izdevumos, veidojot nākamā gada budžetu, pie kura izstrādes darbu uzsāks jau martā. Lai nonāktu pie šāda rezultāta, četras uzņēmēju […]
The Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) expresses dismay and serious concerns over delays in amending Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 776, issued on December 16, 2014, regarding the “Procedure […]
Ārvalstu investoru padome Latvijā (FICIL) pauž sašutumu un nopietnas bažas par kavējumiem grozījumos Ministru kabineta 2014. gada 16. decembra noteikumos Nr. 776 “Kārtība, kādā komercsabiedrības deklarē savu atbilstību mazās (sīkās) […]
Zlata Elksniņa-Zaščirinska, the FICIL Chairperson of the Board, recently gave an interview to Dienas Business (DB) publisher, commenting on the TOP 60 foreign companies featured in the annual DB TOP […]
2024. gada 12. decembris iezīmē nozīmīgu pavērsienu Latvijas labas pārvaldības un caurspīdīguma veicināšanā. Ārvalstu investoru padome Latvijā (FICIL) ar prieku sveic Saeimas pieņemtos grozījumus likumā “Par interešu konflikta novēršanu valsts […]
December 12, 2024, marks a significant milestone in promoting good governance and transparency in Latvia. The Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) warmly welcomes the amendments to the Law “On […]
The Foreign Investors’ Council in Latvia (FICIL) highly commends the Latvian government for taking decisive steps to review every budget position within the Ministries of Finance, Economics, and Transport. By […]