FICIL High Council 2024 was held on 26-27 September   On 26-27 September 2024, FICIL members and high-level public sector representatives met at the 28th FICIL High Council. The first day […]
How can we collectively achieve the goals set by the European Union’s “Green Deal”, while enhancing business competitiveness, turning sustainability into an opportunity for economic growth?   FICIL, in collaboration […]
Welcome to the 2024 Summer Edition of the FICIL Newsletter! As the summer is coming to an end, we are excited to share the key activities and achievements that took place at FICIL […]
The contribution of foreign investors to the Latvian economy is undoubtfully large, as they create new jobs, account for over 40% of total taxes paid, facilitate technology transfer, support infrastructure […]
Nesen FICIL priekšsēdētāja Zlata Elksniņa-Zaščirinska sniedza interviju IR laikrakstam, kurā tika apspriesti veidi, kā Latvijai veicināt ekonomikas izaugsmi un izvairīties no stagnācijas dažādās jomās, piemēram, veselībā un izglītībā.  Kaut gan […]
Latvia’s newly elected Members of the European Parliament (MEP) are preparing for their upcoming roles. Before heading to Brussels, on 27th August 2024, FICIL and its partners will convene with […]
Latvijas jaunievēlētie deputāti gatavojas darbam Eiropas Parlamentā (EP). Pirms došanās uz Briseli, 27. augustā 2024.g. FICIL un partneri tiksies ar jaunievēlētiem EP deputātiem, lai apspriestu aktuālus pretkorupcijas un labas pārvaldības […]
On the 5th and 6th of July 2024, FICIL participated in the LAMPA Festival! Panel discussions took place in Cesis for the tenth time, gathering more than 25,000 people in […]
On June 4, FICIL held a Members’ meeting at Swedbank! The members welcomed two new FICIL members – Rīgas Universālais Termināls (RUT) and Tech Mahindra, and learned about FICIL’s past […]